Have you ever found yourself in a position to say yes to people or situations but you really wanted to say no?
Or trying to make sure everyone around you is happy but finding out you’re not?
These are real energy leaks that can cost you a lot energetically and even impact your body emotionally (hello stress, worry, self doubt …) and physically (fatigue, brain fog, pain, digestive issues, illness etc).
Why is it so hard to say no?
– you fear hurting other people’s feelings
– you’d rather not create waves or conflict
– you fear that you might damage the relationship in some way
– you’re afraid you’ll be a “bad” person for saying no or not doing what others want you to do
I get it!!
As a recovering people pleaser myself, I had to work really hard to learn how to say no in full integrity so that I can say yes to things that I really wanted, learn to prioritize my wellbeing without feeling selfish and learn to trust that the healthy relationships that I choose to nurture in my life will welcome the authenticity when I express my needs and desires.
The result of this work is that I now live a joyful life where I get to practice my favorite passions with full vitality, I get to nurture meaningful relationships and live my life on purpose to what feels like my full potential.
You too can learn to transform your energy leaks into your greatest assets starting today by listening to the interview I did on this fabulous episode of “Liberate your People Pleaser” by my friend and mentor Brenda Florida. You’ll find the podcast HERE
Tune in on
– How to make decisions for YOU instead of for others
– Popping your “emotional zits” so that you are liberated from the energy leaks of people pleasing (lots of fun on that one!!)
– Stop settling for suboptimal in your health, relationships & career
If this resonated and you’d love to get your energy back but don’t know where to start, go ahead and book a discovery session where together we’ll uncover your emotional and physical energy leaks, we’ll create a vision for what your life living to your potential looks like and create a step-by-step plan to move you forward.
Book this session HERE
If we have already worked together in the past and you’re ready to fine tune your energy to feel happier with more energy, I’ve got a great bundle for you of 3 coaching sessions.
Simply reply to this email to get you started.
Wishing you to live with love in your heart, energy in your body and peace in your mind 💜💐🤩