Wow, what a wonderful time we had together during the conference “Lyme disease – what everyone should know”.
This is a serious illness that has been increasing exponentially in numbers of cases and is in fact the first disease to have a correlation with global warming.
Unfortunately, too few people know about it when it’s passed the acute stage, including the medical professionals. So, if it’s not caught in the early stages of a tick bite, many people go on to develop multiple symptoms all over their body (pain, fatigue, brain fog, numbness, headaches, weird skin stuff, digestive issues, bladder problems etc), consult multiple professionals, pass many inconclusive tests and try out different treatments without improvement.
In this conference, I discuss why this is so and how you can not only protect yourself from getting this disease but also how to recognize it and what to consider in the treatment of it.
CLICK HERE the replay of the conference.
Please share this video with as many people as possible in your networks of friends, family, work colleagues and acquaintances.
You never know who needs this knowledge and who you’ll help by simply sharing this wealth of information. Sadly a friend of a friend committed suicide recently because she was tired of suffering from Lyme. Let’s not allow any more people to suffer in silence like this!
If you’d like to ask me your questions CLICK HERE.
The more we know on a given topic, the quicker we can act if this problem comes into our life!
For more information, you can take a look at my Lyme disease website by CLICKING HERE.
To your Health and Life!